policy :- jobforcook.com our website is Internet publishing website for cooks and Chef jobs. We do not take any payment or fees from candidate. We are a recruitment agency for Chefs and cooks. As per our policies we only interview and find candidate skills level not other like personal background or any other reference check. Our services are to find a skill individual on the basis of requirements from our candidate and provide information.
For every recruitment for applying any job apply for wisdom sense and cross verify candidate and companies on your personal wisdom send and then only join we have no guarantee and any type of fraud compensation if you find yourself treated by our website information use your wisdom sense and do not involve any financial contract with any individual without verifying Each Other this information is for candidates finding jobs on our website as well as the employers who provide jobs on our website our website is doing social work don't make ourself trouble and yourself trouble involving financial or any other applications with each other.
The motive of website to provide jobs information to Peoples working in hotels resorts and restaurant and find a suitable candidate for food business organisation in the world let this do in a peaceful manner. If anyone doesn't use their wisdom sense and find themselves cheated he is only responsible not our website for people's behind the website jobforcook.com.
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