Hi, I have good experience working in hotel and restaurant kitchen. I am a chef and started good looking knowledge. Please contact admin for interview me.
25 Year(s)
Hi, I have good experience working in hotel and restaurant kitchen. I am a chef and started good looking knowledge. Please contact admin for interview me.
12 Year(s)
Hi I'm VINAY NANDA from Dhariwal District Gurdaspur Punjab.I have completed BHM 4 years degree in 2013.I have India experience 4 years and abroad experience 7 years total 11 years experience.My speci...
11 Year(s)
2 Year(s)
7 Year(s)
use our website to finding job for cooks in Dubai and finding best talented chef for restaurant an...
We are executive search for hotels and resorts we provide exclusive quality and talented chef to Dub...
We provide chef to hotels and resorts in Dubai I am writing this in case you are searching for best ...