Namaskar from India ( Bharat ) are you presently e-recruiting Indian chef and cooks for your restaurant in USA, Canada, Australia, Spain, Mauritius, or any other country in the world I would like to inform you contact address phone numbers and website and with name list some of the best chef recruiters in India.
First of all you can visit our website and registered yourself as a owner . And now you can directly access free of cost verified cooks and Chefs from India. You can find their contact address phone numbers and you can recruit them directly.
If you are not interested to visit India for first month food trial you can hire freelancers chef recruiters.
Some of the best peoples who can help you finding a best cook and chefs specially Indian curries, Indian tandoori items or any other kitchen employee.
If you want to recruit a recruiter from India I would like to introduce you our services my name is Amit Gaur and professionally I am a chef. From last 7 years we are providing Chef recruitment services for Overseas Indian restaurants.
You can contact our 24 hour customer care number for personal meeting on video or telephone call for a small discussion.
We can help you and find a suitable kitchen team member for your new or old projects. We would like to veg clear that we don't take any fees for money from the candidate our fees will be paid by yourself as well as candidate travelling expenses and Visa formality according to the compliances of Indian government you have to fulfill only.
The one promise which can we can give you is we will find a excellent candidate for you which is not available anywhere.