Namaskar from Bharat India Asia we are Indian chef recruiters and we provide our recruitment services across world in any country in the world if you want to recruit a Indian chef we can definitely help for you.
We are one of the most professional and industry Chef recruiter. Myself and my team members almost having 25 working years experience and now we are doing Consulting and recruitment service. We have noticed most of the cooks and chefs who are making Indian food in the world are not from India either they are from Bangladesh or Nepal or Burma because they don't belong to the country never expect for authentic Indian food taste.
I find there is a big gap and I have started this Consulting Services of Indian Chef recruitment presently we are providing our services with pride and uniqueness.
Our services include providing understanding customer requirement and what type of Indian Chef requirement with this we provide interview and find the candidate and provide people to the world please contact us if you want Indian Chef with the proper documentation and follow country standard processes for migration and other compliances.
If you are a legal food business owner in your country and your business is legal and you are providing Indian food and looking for some best Indian professionals cooks and shapes contact us please solve your problem we provide our services across the globe just one phone call 24 hour available you can also contact us on WhatsApp for email 24 support available contact on this mobile number or WhatsApp number if you required Indian chef from India.
24 hour WhatsApp support +919571118855 this number is only for Indian Chef recruitment.
24 Hours support mobile number this number is only if you are looking for Indian Chef menu planning and other Consulting Services Tel :- +919571118855
we have 1-6 steps to find a chef for you .
step-1. Fill the job order -
step-2 - we send you Terms and condition and contract official email
step 3 - you read our terms and condition and approved.
step 4- we will search Chef for you lineup video interview and you will shortlist candidate
step 5 - chef will visit for food trial or direct joining as per your wisdom sense.
step 6- Chef join our consultancy end here over.
Chefs Salary +Our Terms + Others We send on your email once we got your Request to search chef for you .
step-1. Fill the job order -